This is me.


I'm Bonnie.
This is my journal.


Let me tell you about my journey ...


 There is a quote that says :
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle 
you know nothing about.
Be Kind. Always."

 That quote has resonated with me since the 
first time I heard it ...because 
I believe it to be completely true.

 Everyone has a battle. (and so many of them secret.)

 I'm about to share mine with you.

 Let me give you a short introduction to the video below,
an introduction in how it pertains to me.

 I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa. (HS)

  I didn't know it was called that until a handful 
of years ago. I always just called it "my bumps" ...
and only to my husband because he was 
the only other person who knew the extent of it 
(until a few years ago).

He was ... and is still ... the only person
(apart from doctors) who have ever seen it
in it's entirety.

 Unlike Jackson, who shares so bravely 
in the Ted Talk below, my HS has always been able 
to be covered up by my clothes.

 I remember getting my first 'bump" when I was 
about thirteen. They haven't stopped since.  
I will be forty-seven this coming year.

 "Bumps" isn't the best word to describe what
this disease does to your body, but I 
like that word better than boils.

However, boils are what they are.

 Jackson gives a good description in the video.

 Watch the video and then ... if you're still with me,
I'll share a bit about the journey I have been on.
The journey to healing from HS.

My story is different to Jacksons.
I was a healthy kid.  A healthy teen.  I'm a healthy adult.

 BUT ...
when I was thirteen, 
I started getting "bumps" in my groin.
They were painful and embarrassing and 
I didn't tell ANYONE!

This was before the internet so 
I didn't have google to help me out with answers.

 As the years progressed, so did the "bumps", 
they moved into my armpits and 
other places where there is skin to skin contact. 
There didn't seem to be any discernible pattern.
They just came and went.
Sometimes I'd have one.  Sometimes I'd have many.

 Sometimes when you have more than one,
they tunnel together under your skin.
This is stage three and I have only ever 
had that happen once or twice.
I have mostly lived with the disease in 
stages one and two.

 My bumps varied in size.
 Jackson talks in the video about
getting ones that are baseball sized.
I can imagine, but have not experienced,
the pain he has suffered with ones that size,
mine have only ever progressed to the size of a golf ball
 but I've literally passed out from the pain of having 
someone or something bump into (or from 
sitting on) one of those!

 They don't heal with any sort of regularity.
Some stay for a long time - months.
Some for a short time - weeks.
Some just disappear.
 Some burst.

 All of them have left scars that do not heal.

 I never went to the doctor specifically for my HS.
I had an emergency room "trauma" as a three year 
old that left me quite frightened of doctors 
and hospitals for many many years.

But if I had to go to the doctor for something else, 
they would usually catch sight of a scar or a boil and I'd
 ask them if they knew what it was.

 I was relieved when I asked and was told 
that it was NOT some sort of STD 
which had always been my fear!
 I figured I had caught something 
from a toilet seat!!

 I was told all sorts of incorrect things.
 One doctor said it was acne and 
it would clear up when my zits went away.

It didn't.   

The most common mis-diagnosis 
was swollen lymph nodes
 and/or ingrown hairs.  
They told me I could have them surgically
 removed if they bothered me too much.
With my love of all things 
medical I always said "no thanks!"

 I learned how to care for the boils myself.
  Hot compresses, epsom salt baths, bandages,
 various ointments, these were my best friends.

 I learned how to care for open wounds too
 because when something the size of a golf ball bursts,
 it creates a similar size hole in your skin.

 I was always on the lookout to see
 if I could see evidence of it on anyone else!
 I never did.

 I always kept my ears open to see
 if anyone ever talked about similar symptoms.
They never did.

 Years and years and years (like 25 years!)
 went by and then one night, I was up late by myself.
There wasn't much on TV and I was half watching a show
 called "World's Most Embarrassing Bodies" and 
I saw it!!  I knew that the person they were showing 
had what I had!  I grabbed a pen and wrote down 
Hidradenitis Suppurativa.  

And then, I started googling!
 What I discovered what that there was no cure.

 I stopped googling.

 I had managed all of these years.

 I'd be fine.

 A couple of years later, just after I turned 40,
 I went to have a routine check up with a new doctor.
 She was the first doctor to ever say to me
 "I think you have Hidradenitis Suppurativa."

 I couldn't believe it!

 After all these years, finally, I had a proper diagnosis.
 She recommended that I see a specialist.
 I think it was a dermatology specialist. 
I went on the waiting list.
  It took two years to get that appointment!

 In the mean time, I decided to start 
researching for myself again.
 I knew there was no cure, 
but I wondered if there was anything 'radical'
 out there, anything that I would feel comfortable trying.

 I don't remember the time line or all the details
 and they would be boring anyway but
 I discovered that HS was an
 autoimmune disease.

 (although there is still some debate about that ... 
some refer to it as an autoinflammatory disease)

 In any case, some people had found remission from HS
 by following the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).
 I wanted to be one of them!!

 Mid April 2017, I stopped eating all grains 
(including corn), seeds, spices that come from seeds, 
nuts, gluten, sugar, soy, dairy, and nightshade vegetables. 
(nightshades are tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, 
goji berries, eggplants)

 I eat meat, fish, vegetables (apart from nightshades)
and fruit. I eat as much nutrient dense and gut 
healing food as I possibly can!

 But AIP isn't just about food.

 I started to pay attention to how 
much sleep I was getting.
I aim for eight hours a night.  
I don't always get it but I find that I get 
much closer if I'm aiming for it.

 I pay attention to my stress levels.
 I intentionally do things to lower them 
before they get too high.
 I started walking on the beach as many mornings
  as I can.  I don't make it every morning but
 the few mornings a week that I get my toes in the sand,
 my face in the sun, my ears filling 
with the sound of the sea,
 my eyes filling with the beauty of the sky 
do me so much good.

 It relaxes me even to write about it!

 I make sure I exercise.
 I walk.  I do pilates.
 I swim a few times a week.

 And do you know what happened?

 Nothing for the first few months.

 But I joined some AIP and HS support groups on 
facebook. I asked questions.  
I listened.  I tweaked what I was doing.

 And after about three or four months, I started to see changes.

 Small changes but oh my goodness ... changes!!

 My "bumps" started to react differently.

 They didn't get as big.

 They didn't stick around as long. 

And as the months (and now years) continued on,
I continued to see more changes.

 Eventually the "bumps" stopped bursting!
 They all just started to disappear on their own.

 And then, at some stage,
 I realised I hadn't had a new one
for a while! That was incredible feeling
 and way beyond what I ever thought possible.

 I have started to add foods back in to
see how my body reacts.
 This is probably the trickiest 
part of the whole thing.
 But ... I'm encouraged!

 I'm encouraged that this disease can be managed.
 People ask me if it's hard to have such a restricted diet.

 My answer:

 Sure, it can be a little bit difficult sometimes.
 Difficult to not eat my favourite foods.
 Or to feel like "that person"
 with all the weird dietary restrictions.

 But not as difficult as living with 
boils the size of golf balls
 or open wounds that take months to close.
 Not as difficult as being in chronic pain for more than
 thirty years and a diagnosis of "no cure".

 Not as difficult as not having an end in sight. 

And all because of a choice.
A choice that is all mine. 

And making that choice each time 
I decide if I will or won't eat something

  ... that is easy.


What is your story?
I'd love to hear if you have found success in changing diet and/or lifestyle.
I'd also love to hear if you are just beginning your journey!
Leave me a comment ... let's talk!



  1. I find you so inspiring Bonnie! I talked with you awhile back about my struggle with dyshidrotic eczema, which is small fluid filled blisters on my hands and fingers that is incredibly itchy. The blisters last a week or so, and my hands dry up and then crack and peel and bleed before the cycle begins all over again. I also get eczema patches on my legs. I’ve tried all the creams, steroid ointments, etc. and almost none of them give me any relief. I’ve read heaps about it and almost everyone has a different cure that seems specific to them, as they don’t work for me. It’s so discouraging. But I’ve also read lots on how diet can be key to so many health issues. I want to try again (I did before but failed pretty quickly because I found it so restrictive).
    Can I ask you some tips of how to start out? How to make diet changes that stick? Would love any recommendations on reading sources too! Thanks Bonnie ❤️

    1. Hi Kristin!

      Nice to hear from you again. I'm trying to remember where we chatted before. Instagram? Facebook?

      I know that discouragement that you are talking about ... the struggle is real!

      So ... i think my biggest tip for starting AIP (or whatever diet you are thinking to try) is to be prepared. make sure you always have an option on hand for something to eat. you will go lots of places where the food isn't suitable, having something with you makes all the difference! i very rarely went anywhere in the beginning without having food in my purse! ha ha. My other tip ... which is very similar to the first one is to menu plan. having a plan makes it much easier! even if you just plan a day or two in advance.

      Leftovers are essential to success! Once I know I like a recipe, I try to make enough to have leftovers for the next day ... it makes it so much easier!

      Also, having a handful of recipes that you know you like is really helpful. I would be happy to share my favourites with you ... email me at if you want me to send them through. :)

      I'm not sure if it's the AIP diet you tried before or are thinking to try again but here's a post I found regarding eczema and AIP that I found quite encouraging.

      Here’s some of my fave AIP websites as well …

      This is my all time favourite for information and also for recipes

      And this one is really good too … this website is not specifically about AIP but I love it. I read his newsletters and often go to his site to get questions answered. He’s all about healing leaky gut …

      I have not signed up for the meal planner but I do follow them on instagram and they post lots of recipes … including AIP options!

      I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you have any more specific questions. I may not have all the answers but I'm always happy to share what I have learned.


  2. I remember when you first BRAVELY posted about your silent journey with HS and AIP. I was so proud of you and there was a voice in the back of my head that said "you should try that." But I didn't think I was brave enough...or organize enough...and I know I wasn't desperate enough! But after 3 years of nearly constant UTIs and/or kidney infections (along with so many other big and small health struggles thanks to EBV), I got desperate and organized! I'm not sure bravery had as much to do with it at that point. I decided to quietly start my own AIP journey just to see what would happen and if it would make any difference. Although I did see some pretty significant immediate results (the lifting of the brain fog was HUGE), it didn't flip a switch on my body and put it back to "normal" like I desperately wanted. But I kept plugging away and looking back over the year of my new normal I can say it was SO HARD but worth it. I am healthier than I was this time last year. My body bounces back faster when it gets knocked down. I haven't had any UTIs or kidney infections all year! I so wish you didn't live an ocean away so there was someone to do this journey face to face with...but this seems like a wonderful substitute! I really hope your blog blesses LOTS of other people. But even if it's not lots, I know it is blessing me :-) Love you tons!!

    1. Also if you're looking for a topic to write about...I'm super interested in reading tips on how you eat as much nutrient dense and gut healing food as possible. I'm good at not adding foods that are on my NO list...but I know I'm not always good about the nutrient density.

    2. That is so cool that you haven't had and UTI's or kidney infections all year! That's so great!! Thank you for your support of my blog! It's so great to be doing this 'together' ... you know, across the ocean but together!

      I'll think about the nutrient dense thing too! That is a great idea for a post! :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your story Bonnie. I’m just starting my AIP journey. You are the first person I have come across that knows anything about it. It is a relief to find someone else out there gets it and an encouragement to hear it has worked for you.

    1. Hi Nellie! I’m glad you found some encouragement through my story! How are you finding the AIP lifestyle?


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